Artillery Regulations

It is each participant's responsibility to also comply with the General Event Regulations.

Thank you for registering and supporting The Battle of Resaca Reenactment. The artillery staff will do everything we can to make Resaca a fun and safe event for you and your unit.

Artillery Registration and Bounty

  1. All artillery assignments shall be coordinated though Col. Steve Lawler of the GDRA to avoid any confusion. Any and all artillery pieces and related equipment shall be inspected and pass GDRA Artillery Safety Guidelines prior to taking the field.

  2. Any horse or mule drawn artillery pieces shall have proper Coggins tests checked at Registration prior to entering the site.

  3. A maximum of 18 bounties of $150.00 each shall be assigned to each full scale 57 inch diameter wheel gun which participates in BOTH days' battles only. Pre-registration for bounties is open from January 1st until the pre-registration deadline. No mail-ins will be accepted after the pre-registration dealine. All bounties shall be assigned on a first received post-marked basis until filled. Additional guns are welcome without bounties if space allows by contacting Col. Steve Lawler in advance. After bounties are filled, Col. Lawler will be notified in order to make contact with the various unit commanders to make the field assignments.

  4. To be eligible for a bounty the following guidelines shall be enforced.

    1. All artillery units shall pre-register by mail (including GDRA guns) by May 1st with no exceptions.

    2. All artillery units shall follow the GDRA Artillery Safety Guidelines regardless of branch assignments.

    3. All artillery pre-registration shall include a cover sheet, pre-registration fees, and a complete roster containing a minimum crew of 5 to safely and properly field the gun both days.

    4. All artillery units are required to galvanize as requested by Col. Steve Lawler in order to be eligible for bounties.

    5. All artillery pieces shall be actively engaged in all scheduled battles both days.

    6. Mountain Howitzers shall be by invitation only and limited to a total of two guns unless those grandfathered as GDRA guns prior to May 2019.

    7. All Mountain Howitzers eligible for a bounty shall be mule or horse drawn. No exceptions.

    8. All guns eligible for bounties shall report to Col. Lawler for their bounty at the event at his direction.

    9. No mortors or Gatling guns are allowed on the field.

    10. Bounties are date sensitive so all pre-registered units are directed to mail all required completed paperwork and pre-registration fees to:

      Battle of Resaca
      P.O. Box 0919
      Resaca, GA 30735

  5. GDRA Member Guns

    1. All GDRA Guns must have their crew's current year's dues paid and roster into the GDRA Treasurer at the pre-arranged address prior to the GDRA membership cut-off date (February 28th) and prior to filing for bounty pre-registration. No exceptions will be made.

    2. All GDRA guns need only to complete the cover sheet registration form and indicate they are GDRA guns and mail in pre-registration cover sheet only. No roster or fees required.

    3. Bounties are date sensitive so all qualified GDRA guns are directed to send their cover pre-registration sheet only by email to or mailed only to:

      Battle of Resaca
      P.O. Box 0919
      Resaca, GA 30735

Artillery Branch Administration

  1. The Overall Artillery Commander and Artillery Camp Coordinator for the Reenactment of the Battle of Resaca is the GDRA Artillery Branch Commander (see below). He will designate campsites, control parking and coordinate all rules and regulations regarding safety, equipment, and weapons inspections for all artillery.

  2. There will be an artillery meeting/safety briefing at the Geo. Div. Artillery HQ on Friday evening at 9pm. Each unit needs to send at least one representative.

  3. NO CARS are allowed to park in the artillery towing vehicle parking area or in the artillery camp.

  4. Cannons will NOT be allowed off of the battlefield until all spectators have cleared the area.

  5. Artillery inspections will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Formations and Artillery Impression Guidelines

  1. Visiting units are requested to attend Morning Colors as part of the Resaca Blue/Gray Artillery Battalion. It is mandatory that all GDRA Artillery units attend Colors. Exceptions are those with physical conditions and camp cooks. The GDRA Artillery Branch takes great pride in representing the artillerymen of the past each morning at Colors.

  2. All gun detachment commanders should have their gun crews wear the appropriate rank for the position they are portraying on the field, for example, a gun crew was made up of privates and the gunner was a corporal. The artillery staff understands that there are spectators who won't know the difference but we as living historians do. So, to the best of our ability, we want to show the public what an artillery battery looked like and how they performed their duties in 1864.

  3. The designated Battery Commanders will choose one flag from among the units present to serve as the batteries colors on the field. He may use a different flag each day, but there can only be one flag per battery on the field. The flag chosen needs to be made of the correct material for the period and should also be of a design that is in general representative of the period around the time of the battle. Units with special flags are welcome to and encouraged to display them in their camps.

For further information, please contact:

Col. Steve Lawler
GDRA Artillery Branch Commander

These safety regulations were designed to make this a safe event for everyone. Please assist us in following them so that we can all return home in good health. Thank You.

The Georgia Division Reenactors Association and the staff of the Battle of Resaca, Inc., thank you for attending the event!

Battle of Resaca Reenactment
Battle of Resaca
Reenactment, Inc.
P.O. Box 919
Resaca, Georgia 30735-0919

Hosted annually by the many volunteers of the GDRA and
BOR, Inc.

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