
Conan O'Brien during the filming of his talk show Conan at Resaca, Georgia in March 2013. Staff photo.

Conan O'Brien during the filming of his talk show Conan at Resaca, Georgia in March 2013. Staff photo.

The GDRA Infantry at Resaca, Georgia, during the filming of the new Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park
visitor center film in June 2012.

The Georgia Division Artillery in action at the 2010 Battle of Fort Sanders Reenactment in Knoxville, Tennessee.

The Georgia Division Infantry on the color line at the 2010 Battle of Fort Sanders Reenactment in Knoxville, Tennessee.

The Georgia Division Infantry leading the charge during the first half of the 2010 Battle of Fort Sanders Reenactment in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Some of the Georgia Division reenactors at the 2010 Allatoona Pass Living History.

Some of the Georgia Division Infantry forming up at the 2010 Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Living History.

The Georgia Division Infantry presentation at the 2010 Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Living History.

Some of the Georgia Division Infantry at the 2010 Northwest Georgia Memorial Day service in Rome, Georgia. Photo courtesy of Wayne Scott.

Some of the Georgia Division Infantry at the 2010 Northwest Georgia Memorial Day Parade in Rome, Georgia. Photo courtesy of Wayne Scott.

The Georgia Division Infantry forming up at the 2010 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

The Georgia Division Cavalry in action at the 2010 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Some of the Georgia Division Infantry and Artillery at the October 2008 Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Resaca Battlefield State Historic Site. Photo courtesy of Wayne Scott.

The Georgia Division Artillery at the October 2008 Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Resaca Battlefield State Historic Site. Photo courtesy of Wayne Scott.

Some of the Georgia Division Infantry at "present arms" for spectators at the 2008 Allatoona Pass Living History.

The momument dedication ceremony at the 2008 Allatoona Pass Living History.

The battle begins at the 2008 Battle of Chickamauga Reenactment, Chickamauga, Georgia.

The Federal army on the move at the 2008 Battle of Chickamauga Reenactment, Chickamauga, Georgia.

The GDRA Commanders and their staff at the 2008 Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment, Tunnel Hill, Georgia.

Some of the GDRA Infantry awaiting orders at the 2008 Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment, Tunnel Hill, Georgia.

Some of the GDRA Infantry and spectators at the 2008 Point Park Living History in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Photo courtesy of Jeff Thornton.

Members of the 5th / 7th & the 28th GA at the 145th Anniversary Battle
of Gettysburg Reenactment. Photo courtesy of Rick Pope.

Some of the GDRA Infantry at the 145th Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg Reenactment.
Photo courtesy of Keith West.

The GDRA Infantry at the 2008 Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Living History.

The GDRA Signal Corps in action (left) and the Division commander (right) with the
"colors" at the 2008 Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Living History.

The GDRA Infantry prepares for the 2008 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

The GDRA Medical Corps at the 2008 Battle of Resaca Reenactment.

Some of the GDRA Infantry at the 2008 Battle of Aiken Reenactment, including the
GDRA Infantry Commander, Bugler and Field Musicians (aka "The White Rabbits").

Some of the GDRA Infantry in "action" at the 2008 Battle of Aiken Reenactment.

Some of the GDRA Infantry in formation at the 2008 Battle of Aiken Reenactment.

At the 2007 Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment. Left: The Georgia Division commander with some of
his staff. Right: The Federal cavalry seeking victory.

"Present arms" at morning colors at the 2007 Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment.

Morning drill for the Georgia Division Battalion at the 2007 Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment.

Ladies of the Soldiers Aid Society enduring great hardships of civilian life at the 2007 Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment. Photo submitted by Sandra Jusak.
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