GDRA Civilian
Thank you for your interest in the Civilian Branch of the GDRA. On January 22, 2000, the GDRA Board of Directors unanimously voted to reestablish an organized Civilian Branch to provide for the participation of noncombatant members. The first organization to be formed as part of the Civilian Branch was the Soldiers Aid Society, named for a group of Atlanta citizens who banded together to provide provisions and comfort to Confederate soldiers.
Through research and study, the mission of the Civilan Branch is to learn, share, teach, and accurately portray the tribulations and triumphs of civilian life during the turbulent years of 1861-1865. Members actively promote both personal and public education and awareness of this significant era and of its lasting effect on our nation. As a member organization of the GDRA, we support our governing body in this endeavor through participation in reenactments and living history events.
If you or your unit have an interest in becoming a member of the GDRA Civilian Branch, or you would like additional information, then please contact our Civilian Branch Commander:
Ms. Marie Bartlett
Civilian Branch Commander
GDRA Civilian Member Units
Soldiers Aid Society